
Zilla Praja Parishad

About Department

ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD, Kumuram Bheem Asifabad is a autonomous body having perpetual succession.It shall have powers to acquire, hold or dispose off property and enter into contracts and may by its corporate name, sue and be sued.The ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD, Kumuram Bheem Asifabad is the Apex body of Panchayat Raj institutions at the district level and has coordinating functions with the other two tiers of Panchayat Raj wise,(1) Gram Panchayat and (2) MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs.

Zilla Praja Parishad, Kumuram Bheem Asifabad has the following categories of members.

  1. ZPTC members elected by adult franchise from a ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD Territorial Constituency carved out in such a manner that each MANDAL PRAJA PARISHAD is declared as a constituency and returns candidate.
  2. Two persons belonging to minorities to be Co-Opted by ZPTCs in the manner prescribed (1) Muslims (2) Christians (3) Sikhs (4) Buddhists (5) Jains and (6) Parsis (Zoroastrians).
  3. The local MLAs are members of ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD such MLAs shall be entitled to speak in a Standing Committee but shall not be entitled to vote in such meetings unless they are members of such Standing Committees.
  4. The Local MPs are members of ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD such MPs will have right to speak and take part in the proceedings with the voting rights but shall not be entitled to vote in the Standing Committee Meetings unless the MPs are members of such Standing Committee.
  5. The member of Rajya Sabha who is a registered Voter in the district. In addition to the above members the following persons shall be permanent invitees to the meetings of the ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD but shall not be entitled to vide.
    • District Collector.
    • Chairman, Dist. Marketing Society.
    • Chairman, Zilla Grandhalaya Samstha.
    • Chairman, Dist. Co-Operative Central Bank.
    • All MANDAL PRAJA PARISHAD Presidents in the District.

Note:The District Collector, shall also be eligible to participate in the proceedings of the Standing Committees without voting rights.
The Zilla Praja Parishad have to constitute the following standing committees with the subject assigned.

  1. Standing Committee for Planning and Finance
  2. Standing Committee for Rural Development
  3. Standing Committee for Agriculture
  4. Standing Committee for Education and Medical Services
  5. Standing Committee for Women welfare
  6. Standing Committee for Social Welfare
  7. Standing Committee for Works

Every Standing Committee shall consists of the Chairperson of the Zilla Praja Parishad who shall be ex-officio member and such other members in accordance with the rules made in that behalf.

The Vice-Chairperson shall the ex-officio member and Chairperson of the Standing Committee for Agriculture, two offices of the Chairperson of the Standing Committees shall be filled by nomination by the Chairperson of the Zilla Praja Parishad from among the women members of the Zilla Praja Parishad in the manner prescribed and the Chairperson of the Zilla Praja Parishad shall be the Chairperson of the rest of the four offices of the Chairperson of the Standing Committees.

The power and functions of the Standing Committee, the permanent invitees to it and other incidental and consequential matters shall be such as may be prescribed.
The District Collector shall have right to participate in the meetings of all Standing Committees without voting rights.

The power and functions of standing committee, the permanent invitees to it and others incidental and consequential matters shall be such as may be prescribed.

The decisions of the Standing Committees shall be subject to ratification by the general body of the Zilla Praja Parishad which shall have the power to approve, modify, rescind or reverse them.

Regarding Mandal Praja Parishads MPTC members elected by voters from a Mandal Parishad Terrotorial Constituency. The local ZPTC, MLA and Member of Parliament shall be entitled to speak in the General Body meeting of Mandal Praja Parishads. One person belonging to minorities to be co-opted by MPTCs in the manner prescribed.

Department Activities:

Besides the role of review, monitoring of plan and non plan schemes specified under the schedule I of the Act, the ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD will also exercise the following functions.

  1. Examine and approve the budgets of MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs within district.
  2. Distribute the funds allotted to the District by the Central or State Government among the MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs and Mandals within districts for which MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs are not constituted i.e.
    • 8 per capita grant
    • seigniorage grant
    • SFC grant.
  3. Coordinate and consolidate the plans prepared in respect of the Mandals within the district and prepare plans in respect of the entire district.
  4. Secure the execution of the plans, projects, schemes or other works either solely relating to the individual Mandals or common to two or more Mandals in the district.
  5. Supervise generally the activities of the MANDAL PRAJA PARISHAD s in the district.
  6. Exercise and perform such of the powers and functions in relating to any development programme as the Government may by notification confer on or entrust to it.
  7. Advise Government on all Matters relating the developmental activities and maintenance of services in the district, whether undertaken by local authorities or Government.
  8. Advise the Government on allocation of work among Gram Panchayats and MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs and coordination of work between the said bodies and among the various Gram Panchayats themselves.
  9. Advise the Government on meetings concerning the implementation of any statutory or executive order specially referred to by the Government to the ZILLA PRAJA PARISHADs.
  10. Collect such date as it deems necessary.
  11. Publish statistics or other information relating to the activities of the local authorities.
  12. Require any local authority to furnish information regarding its activities.
  13. Accept trusts relating exclusively to the furtherance of any purpose for which its funds may be applied.
  14. Establish, maintain or expand secondary, vocational and industrial schools.
  15. Borrow money for carrying out the purposes of this Act, with the previous approval of the Government and subjects to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
    • The ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD may, with the approval of the Government, levy contributions from the funds of the MANDAL PRAJA PARISHADs in the District.
    • The resolutions of the Standing Committees have to brought before the general body which is empowered either to approve, modify, alter or rescind such resolutions.
    • The ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD may make Byelaws under the powers vested under sub-section (2) of sec.259 read with sections 266 & 270 after obtaining approval of the Government.
    • The ZILLA PRAJA PARISHAD will review the performance under Developmental activities takenup by ZPP / MPP / PR & RWS Engineering wings in its general body meetings.
    • The Government will allocate and release the funds to ZPP in following grants.
      • SFC grant
      • 4 per capita grant
      • segniorage grant


Official Names and Contacts
S.No. Name of the officer Designation Mobile No. E-mail.
1 Sri Laxmi Narayana CEO  9515075346